Wednesday, July 22, 2009


So, this is super random but here is my story:

I was watching the Food Network earlier this evening and on Challenge, the competitors had to make a cake themed from a Disney movie. The winner's cake was a Pinocchio-themed cake (picture is linked to the title of the blog) and it got me thinking of the movie. And then I started thinking of a note I posted almost 2 years ago and I wanted to share it with you all again...

We are all Pinocchios
In C.S. Lewis' Mere Christianity, he uses a very interesting analogy about God and man and I really like it so here goes nothing.

Jesus was begotten to be the same as God. Man was created by God and can be like God in certain ways but is not God. I think that is pretty much cut and dry.

Lewis uses the analogy of a sculptor and a statue. A carver can create a statue that looks very much like a man but it really isn't man because it is not alive. It is the same with us. God created us in His image to look very much like Him but we are not God and do not possess the kind of life He has.

When my friends and I were talking about this, the first thought that came to my mind was Pinocchio. He was made to look like a human and acted very much like humans do, but he was a wooden puppet. Throughout the entire story, Pinocchio met different kinds of people, had many adventures and went through many challenges that eventually led to him reaching his goal of becoming a "real boy"

I think we are all Pinocchios on this earth. We were all created to look like God and in the best way possible, live as God would live. However, in all reality, we are no where near being God. But, throughout our life stories, we meet many kinds of people, have adventures and go through challenges that help us grow and someday reach the ultimate goal. That goal is becoming like God and living the rest of our eternal lives with Him in heaven.

This is how Lewis ended the chapter...I'm a fan
"That is precisely what Christianity is about. This world is a great sculptor's shop. We are the statues and there is a rumour going round the shop that some of us are some day going to come to life."

Just a closing verse for the day from Philippians 3:14"I press on towards the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus."

So, my little on towards the day we will all be "real boys" and it will be awesome.

1 comment:

  1. Sick! You are getting all theological and deep in here but the only thing I can think is, "I have been blogging for almost 8 months and I never knew you could link to the title of a blog! You are amazing."
