Tuesday, August 25, 2009

What Have I Gotten Myself Into?

So I know it's been awhile since I most recently blogged so I apologize.

In the last couple of weeks, I've realized what it truly means to live in the south. What does it mean you ask? Three words: cockroaches and condensation.

One early morning, I was awoken with the urge to use the little girls room. So, as I'm sitting there doing my business, a little friend decides to scurry across the floor right towards my bed. Sitting there in shock, I did nothing. I have never seen a cockroach in my place of residence before and wasn't sure what to do. There was NOOOOOO way I was going to go after it. I attempted to sleep on my futon but the thought of gigantic bugs crawling all over me caused me not to sleep at all. When I went into my office the next morning, it was apparent that I had not slept and thus, told the story of my misfortune. My boss's response: "Welcome to the South." and everyone went about their business.

The following day, I went to the grocery store to replenish my cupboards and fridge (it was quite a delightful trip because I got a lot of fresh produce at the farmers market on the way back from Kroger). So, as I'm putting the cold items in the fridge, I realize that my arm is completely wet. I wondered out loud what this may be. I looked at the top of my fridge and low and behold, it was covered in dripping water! What the heck? I called my friend and this was his response: "Welcome to the South."

So, I ask myself...what have I gotten myself into? I have no idea. Between the cockroaches and condensation, there is continually a new adventure in the world of 95 degrees plus a ton of humidity.


  1. Oh gross- I saw a cockroach once while in Florida and it was so icky. You are very brave.

  2. The cockroaches rule at my facility... just don't step on them to kill them! Good luck!

  3. Kendra...I know your pain. Happens to me in Arkansas. I found out a Raid or traps tend to save my bedroom at least. Good Luck!

    P.S Jim Cella told me about your blog, I'm also following the same path only I'm now working as a GA.
