Tuesday, August 25, 2009

What Have I Gotten Myself Into?

So I know it's been awhile since I most recently blogged so I apologize.

In the last couple of weeks, I've realized what it truly means to live in the south. What does it mean you ask? Three words: cockroaches and condensation.

One early morning, I was awoken with the urge to use the little girls room. So, as I'm sitting there doing my business, a little friend decides to scurry across the floor right towards my bed. Sitting there in shock, I did nothing. I have never seen a cockroach in my place of residence before and wasn't sure what to do. There was NOOOOOO way I was going to go after it. I attempted to sleep on my futon but the thought of gigantic bugs crawling all over me caused me not to sleep at all. When I went into my office the next morning, it was apparent that I had not slept and thus, told the story of my misfortune. My boss's response: "Welcome to the South." and everyone went about their business.

The following day, I went to the grocery store to replenish my cupboards and fridge (it was quite a delightful trip because I got a lot of fresh produce at the farmers market on the way back from Kroger). So, as I'm putting the cold items in the fridge, I realize that my arm is completely wet. I wondered out loud what this may be. I looked at the top of my fridge and low and behold, it was covered in dripping water! What the heck? I called my friend and this was his response: "Welcome to the South."

So, I ask myself...what have I gotten myself into? I have no idea. Between the cockroaches and condensation, there is continually a new adventure in the world of 95 degrees plus a ton of humidity.