Tuesday, April 20, 2010

My Life In A Nutshell Since January

WOW!!!!!!!!! What a couple of months I've had...here is a rundown.

February - The swimming regular season came to an end on the sixth, but I was NO WHERE NEAR being done with the sport. The SEC Championships were the 17-20 and we were in Athens, Ga., for an entire week. My men won their 14th-straight and 16th of the last 17th SEC title and the women did well, finishing third. It was a rush and crazy busy, but a blast! I didn't get much sleep that week...hands down.

March - This month was NUTSO! Besides having to be at a handful of men's tennis matches, I was also preparing to be on the road for two weeks straight with...you guessed it...swimming!!! Women's NCAA Championships were March 18-20 in West Lafayette, Ind., and the women didn't do too well. They finished eighth overall, but I had a blast making new friends and getting to know others better...Brothers + $1 Long Islands = fun times had by all!

Following the women's meet, I headed over to COLUMBUS(!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) for the Men's NCAA Championships and was there for over a week...LOVE IT! I definitely did not get much sleep that week...holler! Saw some great friends, hung out with Andrew and life was good. My team didn't do to well, but it is what it is. They finished sixth (should have finished in the top 3) and the final race of the meet was a huge disappointment. Needless to say, I was crying like a silly little girl because 1. I hate seeing my team (especially one I've really grown close to) not do well and B. I was leaving Ohio soon and was not happy.

It is now almost the end of April and my work-traveling days are pretty much over until August when volleyball rolls around. This weekend, I'm heading to GREENSBORO (!!!!!!!!!!) for my dear friend Jackie's wedding and am soooo excited to be a part of it! Its going to be a blast!

That's all I got to say about that.